Educator Evaluation Training for New Administrators

Educator Evaluation for New Administrators 

2-day Workshop - In Person

Dates: Wednesday, September 25th from 12:00pm - 4:00pm & Thursday, September 26th from 8:00am - 3:30pm

A minimum of 10 registrants will be required for this PD offering.

Cost: *READS Member Districts - $300 per person (See the list of member districts at the bottom of the page)

Non-Member Districts - $345 per person

Light refreshments and lunch will be provided on September 26th 

Credit Hours: 11 PDPs - Participants must attend the entire in person session in order to receive PDPs. 

Location: READS Collaborative, 105 East Grove Street, Middleborough, MA 

Facilitator: Dr. Theresa Craig, retired Executive Director, READS Collaborative 

Course Description

This 11 hour training will introduce new administrators to the Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Framework and build competence within each of the modules.

Prior to Wednesday, September 25th

Gather specific information for your school or district as identified in the Local Decision Awareness Google Form linked here.  You will reference this information throughout the professional development.  As of Monday, August 19th you will have access to a Shared Google Folder that contains a Slide Show and links to all resources for this professional development.  You may copy all contents to your own folder for future reference.

Wednesday, September 25th - Day 1 - Focused on the Educator Evaluation System, Educator Rubrics, SMARTie Goals, and Developing the Educator Plan 

Thursday, September 26th - Day 2 -  Focused on Gathering Evidence, Classroom Observations and crafting Effective Feedback.  

Registration Process

To register enter this link into your browser: Registration Form

Pre-registration is required and must be received no later than Wednesday, September 18, 2024
